Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in Millbury, MA

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Is There A Connection Between Mental Health And Addiction Near Millbury?

December 05, 2024

Have you ever thought about what causes substance use disorders (SUD)? Understanding the answer could enable us to stop and treat these disorders. Thankfully, the latest research is allowing us to comprehend substance use and handle it better. Recent studies have found a compelling connection between substance use and mental illness. If you struggle with a SUD, you may also be facing a co-occurring mental disorder. By knowing this, you can pursue more worthwhile treatment that manages mental health and addiction near Millbury.

What’s The Connection Between Mental Health And Substance Use Near Millbury?

In a recent report, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimated that about 17 million adults in the US experience both a mental illness and a SUD. They also found that adolescents and adults with mental illnesses were more likely to consume dependency-causing substances. This evidence shows a noteworthy connection between mental health and substance use in Millbury and the rest of the country. But how do mental health disorders prompt substance use?

How Does Mental Illness Cause Substance Use?

It’s common knowledge that mental disorders are typically hard to deal with. When not addressed effectively, your disorder can leave you feeling confused, frightened, angry, and despondent. You may even encounter some debilitating physical symptoms. This will happen whether you have been formally diagnosed with a mental illness or do not know you have one.

If a mental condition makes your life difficult, it’s not surprising you may have been driven to use habit-forming alcohol or drugs to cope. The chemicals cause you to feel better temporarily. They might dull the pain you feel or provide a “high” that feels good. When using, you might feel more productive and at ease.

When you consume addictive substances to manage the symptoms of a mental health condition, it is called self-medicating. You might use these substances to feel temporarily happier, more energized, or less anxious. You could also use them to deal with physical pains and discomforts. Self-medication involves using substances not ordered by a healthcare professional, such as alcohol or illicit drugs, as well as overusing or misusing prescription medications.

Self-medication typically starts inadvertently. Overindulging in alcohol or excessively using drugs looks like a release and a method of managing reality. Sadly, it’s difficult to quit ingesting something that leaves you feeling better. Your mind and body become reliant on those chemicals, and you are unable to survive without them. What follows is a cycle of self-medication that may spiral out of control and cause destructive and unsafe actions.

Understanding the origin of your substance use gives you a a place to start your recovery. Once you comprehend that mental illness lies at the root of your alcohol or drug use, you can address both and have a greater chance at recovery. 

Does Substance Use Affect Mental Health Too?

The influences of mental conditions and substance use disorders are often cyclical. The chemicals in dependency-causing substances change brain chemistry. They can cause or intensify mental illnesses. The strain of losing your life to addiction may also trigger mental conditions like anxiety and depression. In return, you may depend on addictive substances even more to get by, and the cycle begins again.

Why Address Mental Health And Addiction Together?

Facing a substance use and mental illness may seem intimidating, even insurmountable. But digging into the root of your substance use is essential for lasting recovery. Once you understand what co-occurring disorder caused your alcohol or drug use, you have a solid basis for treatment. Addressing mental disorders with individual therapy and approved medications places you in a better spot mentally for refraining from addictive substances. Many skills you develop in therapy for handling mental health will serve you in remaining sober, too. You’ll be more successful in controlling your addiction when you improve any foundational mental health disorders first.

Get Treatment For Substance Use Disorders And Mental Illness Near Millbury

If you struggle with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders, The Counseling Center At Millbury is here for you. Our qualified staff know how to help you navigate the challenges you experience with evidence-based treatment. Call 508-433-3866 or submit our contact form to speak with someone at once about our intake process.

Stephen Cook Head Shot
Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, Stephen Cooke brings over a decade of experience in international and American healthcare communications to Praesum. A prolific writer and published author, Stephen has dedicated his career to promoting health and recovery across various organizations.